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Filing income tax returns online

Filing income tax returns online

It is increasingly important for us to keep our clients and the rest of the business community informed about developments in our branch. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we present the first 2020 edition of our newsletter The Purple Cloud. The Purple Cloud is a combined newsletter that includes articles regarding advisory, assurance and tax topics in which you, the readers, can get relevant information to help you unlock your instinct for growth and succeed in business.


We have included the following articles in this edition:

  • CSR reporting and its inspection – by Ralf Wieriks
  • Fiscal actions to kick-off the year with – by Farine Larmonie and Behnaz Hasanzadah
  • Where do we stand with our privacy regulations? – by Danny van Haaren


We hope you enjoy this edition of The Purple Cloud! We trust that you will find this newsletter informative and helpful. Do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions regarding the contents of this newsletter